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©Kirton News 2025 |
September 2008
The Editors Letter Dear readers, I feel like the mythical phoenix – rising from the ashes. Unfortunately our replacement editor had to step down due to ill health so you have to put up with me at least for another issue – are there any would be editors out there? We have all our regular features inside including one from Gladys – our resident poet laureate. Gladys is in a wheelchair and over eighty but she obviously has a sharp brain. Hopefully in the meantime the weather will improve. I find it somewhat ironic that the water companies are quick to tell us when the reservoirs are low and we have to save water but never tell us when they are full. I suppose you might call it the good news syndrome – its not news. As I write this I am really enjoying the Olympic Games on the box and our cyclists, rowers and record breaking swimmer are doing us proud but I am a bit mystified by some of the cycling events at the velodrome. All the best from me! Roger Booth Kirton News Editor We urgently need an Editor and Co-Editor for the magazine. From personal experience you get to meet many interesting people across a very wide sector of the local community and for us in ‘Kirton News’ it’s all about the community. It’s a magazine written by the community and for the community. It helps to have a working knowledge of Microsoft ‘Word’ and have access to email. The undersigned is more than willing to provide whatever guidance is needed in getting started and we have a very able compositor who puts the thing together in a suitable format for the printer. Give me a ring on 01205 722230. Roger Booth Kirton News Needs Distributors Once again we are making an appeal for volunteers to help distribute the magazine. Its only a small amount of your time once a month. W hen you consider the magazine has been going for more than forty years it would be a shame if our readers don’t get a copy so get on the ‘dog and bone’ to Mary on 722633 who can fill you in with details.
Be a Special - Make a difference in your community Hello, I’m Martin Breathwick; I’m a Special Constable for the Lincolnshire Police currently based at Boston covering most of the villages around Boston including Kirton. I have been a Special Constable for almost five years and grew up and live in Kirton. My dad has his own plumbing business in the village. The Special Constabulary in Boston are looking for local people in the Boston area. You have to give only a minimum of 4 hours a week, you have to be aged 18 to 55, and have the same uniform, handcuffs and baton as regular officers. You can make a difference in your community by targeting the issues and problems you are aware of. What we’re all about The Special Constabulary is a Force of trained volunteers who work with and support their local police Force. Specials, as the Special Constables are known, come from all walks of life – they could be: teachers, taxi drivers, accountants or secretaries, and they all volunteer a minimum of four hours a week to their local police forces, forming a vital link between the regular police and the local communities. Specials have the same powers of arrest, privileges and protection as a regular officer and wear a similar uniform. Got what it takes? Basic eligibility requirements are detailed below and are the same as the requirements to join a regular police force: Nationality and minimum age requirements: you can apply from the age of 18, there is no upper age limit, be a British citizen or a member of the EC or other states in the EEA (Iceland, Norway, Liechtenstein). Commonwealth citizens and foreign nationals are also eligible but only if they are resident in the UK free of Restrictions. Personal qualities: we’re looking for integrity, honesty, tact, respect for race and diversity, teamwork and effective communication skills. Roles and responsibilities Special constables have full constabulary powers performing police duties under the supervision of regular officers and experienced Specials, taking on a diverse range of roles including conducting local, intelligence-based patrols, taking part in crime prevention initiatives, policing major incidents and providing operational support to regular officers. Specials can conduct foot patrols, assist at the scene of accidents, fights or fires, enforce road safety initiatives, conduct house-to-house enquiries, help safeguard public safety and security at local or major events, present evidence in court, tackle anti-social behaviour and spend time at local schools educating youths about safety. Responsibility grows with experience. As with regulars promotion is achieved through good performance, dedication to duty and evidence of leadership qualities. Are you Specials material? Health: You need to be reasonably fit and in good health to be able to perform the role of Special Constable and will be required to complete a medical questionnaire. You will then attend a medical examination with the Force Medical Office. Special attributes: Being representative of the communities we serve is a big priority for us. The Force is committed to encourage women, ethnic minorities, disabled and those from the lesbian and gay communities to apply. We welcome applications from all sections of the community. What’s in it for you? Experiences, friends, skills, recognition, variety, excitement, understanding, personal satisfaction and much more. As a Special you’ll discover a lot you didn’t know about yourself and just how much you are really capable of. You’ll develop self-respect and self-confidence and you’ll earn the right to feel pride in having played your part to make your community united and stronger in the fight against crime. Showing your community you care is immensely satisfying. As one of the team you will experience lasting friendships while learning more about life and human nature than most people will ever see. Recruitment Process Lincolnshire Police currently has an establishment of 184 Specials based throughout the County. We are always actively recruiting and we particularly welcome applications from female and ethnic minorities in order to build a work force which representative of the community we serve. The recruitment process for the Special Constabulary should take no more than ten weeks. Either phone 01522 558235 to request an application form or print it from the website www.lincs.police.uk then go to recruitment and the Special Constabulary section, complete and return the form to the address below. For further information please contact: The Recruitment Team, Lincolnshire Police Headquarters, P.O.Box 999, Lincoln LN5 7PH. Phone: 01522 558235. website:www.lincs.police.uk
The Rev Melvin Banks Rev. Melvin Banks, Britain’s best known Christian healer and evangelist, comes to Kirton Town Hall on 17th September. Rev. Banks’ worldwide ministry was established in Lincolnshire well over 40 years ago when he lived in Spilsby. The church which he pastored in Lincolnshire for 12 years become known as ‘the church where no-one ever died’ - during that time Banks never conducted a funeral service - everyone got healed! The local undertaker commented ‘I would be bankrupt if I relied on your church!’ Sick and in pain? Stressed, full of fear, depressed? God can help! Come and meet Rev. Banks in person; he will lay hands on all the sick and pray for their healing. Bring sick friends. 100s have testified to being cured of all types of diseases. Everyone welcome. Admission is free. Ring for free reserved seats 01205 460 789 or emaiI: contact@worldoflifefellowship.co.uk
Around the homes - News from the ChestnutsWe are experiencing a period of change both with staff and building alterations. Sue and Tracey from Mayflower gave us a talk on the 9th. Sue spoke about the keeping of pets in sheltered housing and Tracey told us of the problems they were having with the use of mobility scooters inside the buildings.. We had two birthdays in mid. June, Sybil on the 15th. and Laura on the 16th. We wish them both good health and the best of luck throughout the coming year. On June 24th we enjoyed a trip out to Grantham where we visited ‘Downtown’ and the Garden Centre. There were eleven of us on the coach including our warden Monica. The weather was kind to us and we were able to appreciate the lovely country side in the sunshine. Quite a bit of walking and eating was involved and the outing enjoyed by all. It was Bill’s birthday on July 12th and he kindly sponsored a two course meal party. Monica and Eileen did the shopping and were assisted by several willing hands .A lovely ham salad with all the trimmings was served at lunchtime followed by a cold sweet. This was thoroughly enjoyed by all, including Bill’s daughter and son in law. At tea time a well laid out buffet was available, On Tuesday 22nd we had an outing to Waterside Garden Centre near Bourne. The trip was enjoyed by all and likewise the lunch. The building work has now stepped up a gear or two. Even the moles have returned to watch progress! A lot of preliminary work has been done in corridors and roof spaces, and from July 28th the lounge and kitchen areas are definitely out of bounds to all but the builders. This situation will continue until hopefully around the Christmas period. This means that the 7pm Tuesday public Bingo Session has been transferred to Deyncourt. who also have their own Bingo on a Wednesday at 7pm. All other meetings and events held at The Chestnuts have had to be cancelled until further notice. Tony Mathieson.
Methodist Church News After our summer break we are getting ready for a busy programme of events and are inviting children between the ages of 4 and 11 to come and join us. We meet each Sunday between 10:30 and 11:30am, as well as at other times, at the Methodist Church on London Road. On Sunday mornings we play games, do craft activities, sometimes paint and draw, and explore a story from the bible. Our football team We also do lots of other things too. Recently we have visited a farm, played in an inter-junior church football tournament, had a puppet show, had fish and chips for lunch, and enjoyed several activity days when we have had the chance to find out about God and make lots of things. On the farm We understand that it can be difficult to come every week and so most of the children come when they can. We meet again from Sunday 7th September at 10:30am. On Saturday 13th September we are going on a boat trip along the Witham and on Saturday October 18th from 2 until 4pm we have an Autumn activity afternoon when we will being playing autumn themed games and eating autumn foods. Why not give us a try one week and see if you enjoy yourself. More details from Sheila on 722701 or Jonathan on 725055.
Kirton Methodist Church Open Day On Tuesday 23rd September from 11am until 4pm, please call in and find out about the various activities which take place at the Methodist Church week by week. Tea and coffee will be available as well as information about the Junior Church, Sisterhood, Kirton Band and other events. In particular, ladies are invited to an open meeting of the Sisterhood, which meets each Tuesday from 2:15pm. The Sisterhood is a flourishing group of 30 ladies, who enjoy a variety of speakers as well as a number of member afternoons when everyone is invited to bring their own contribution to the meeting. During the past year the group has enjoyed a cream tea, lunch at the Merry Monk, an Easter Service, and entertainment from the Primary School choir. Some meetings have a spiritual theme but not all. You don’t have to join but do come and see what goes on and have a cup of tea. For further details call 725055, or just pop in. Kirton Kids ClubDespite dodging the bad weather at times the build up to the end of the school year has been fun and very busy. I think all staff at the club has learned over the last few summers to be very flexible over activities and outside sports sessions – because no sooner have you planned something outside than a big black rain cloud arrives! The children moving onto ‘big school’ are very excited about their introduction to the ‘grown up’ side of schooling and those children still at primary level are excited about new classrooms and teachers for the beginning of the new school year. The club joined other users during July to help host an open day at the Youth Centre. This was a resounding success despite the rain at times. It gave all users the chance to introduce their ‘club’ to the community. Kids’ club put on various activities that day including a table top sale – manned by myself, Sharon Pithie and Alex Wright, a free art table hosted by Sheena Frost and a ‘hook a frog’ game hosted by Katie Frost. Many thanks to everyone that helped on the day, it was very hard work but very successful. Children often ‘don’t like’ something because they have never really tried it and making it themselves means they can see exactly what has gone into the recipe. Kids’ Club will be back open on the first day back of the new school year in September – breakfast club from 7.30 am and after school until 5.45pm. If would like anymore information about the club please ring 722426. Carolyn Sharpe - Manager
The Kirton Ladies Luncheon Club We had a real character speaking to us at our meeting on the 10th July. Marguerite Clarke is a one off; she is the only speaker we have ever had who insists on standing on a box to deliver her talks. As she was wearing high heels there were anxious moments for the audience as at times there was a distinct wobble. An added touch was the almost shoulder high black gloves worn with a long sleeveless dress giving her a commanding presence. Her talk was called ‘On being a school matron’. Marguerite put an advertisement in the ‘Lady’ magazine stating her abilities and received several very odd replies form gentlemen who seemed to have misinterpreted her job requirements but it made for some very funny anecdotes and much laughter. Eventually Marguerite got a position in an all boys school as matron and speech/drama tutor before moving onto a girls school which she loved. She was being headhunted for another position when Mr. Clarke suggested she became Mrs. Clarke. She agreed and we had a happy ending to our lunch club meeting. News from Hen Heaven Lucy, Lizzie and Letty have taken up residence in Hen Heaven much to the consternation of Samson and Hen Penny who at present can only watch them through the chicken wire. Georgie Brown who is a very laid back black cat has tried to make friends by jumping onto the top of the grass run sending the three girls into the hen house in fright but they will soon get used to her. As for Bularoo (Bluey, our male cat) this is just another trial to put up with along with people, dogs, hens, thunder, cars and rain all of which are there to make his life more difficult. The three new hens are replacement for the dog massacre last year: these girls are much larger than the Pekins so Samson may have a troublesome love life but we shall see! Pauline Chubb
The Mothers UnionWe meet again after the summer break on Wednesday the 10th September in the Methodist Hall at 7.15 pm. Margaret Caldwell the Action and Outreach Co-ordinator will speak to us on how to be an outward looking branch in our community and about our ‘Worldwide Relationship’ with 2.6 million members. She is a very enthusiastic and dynamic speaker so I do urge all our members to come and hear her. We begin our ‘Tiny Totz’ rota again on Friday 5th September serving refreshments for children and parents. It is a most enjoyable and rewarding project so if anyone would care to join our rota please let me know. Helen Airey
Open Doors After the summer break we meet again on Sept. 3rd each Wednesday at 7pm in the Town Hall for an evening of friendship, shared interests fun and refreshments. Once a month we plan to have a special evening with guest speakers on topical subjects. Watch this magazine for future dates. As the Town Hall has already been booked for 17th Sept. we will not be having an Open Doors meeting that evening. The Reverend Melvin Banks, who has a world renowned Healing Ministry, is at the Town Hall on 17th September 7.30pm. Come and meet Melvin personally and enjoy an evening where the healing power of Jesus will be present.
Ena Hemington Ena at ‘White Gables’ lent her copy of ‘Kirton Remembered’ (a scrapbook originally created by Mrs Joseph Andrews Tunnard around the turn of the last century) to somebody but she cannot remember who. She would dearly like it to be returned. Thank you.
Sutterton Parent & Toddler Group In Sutterton in the village hall, the parent & toddler group are desperately looking for new families to join the small but very friendly playgroup. It runs every Monday from 9.30am until 11.00am, with tea and coffee available, with juice and biscuits for the children.
Kirton Town Hall - Committee Members Wanted Volunteers are urgently needed to stand on the committee. The committee are a registered charity set up to manage the hall which is an excellent facility and asset for the village. Members meet once a month at the Town Hall for a maximum two hour meeting to discuss fund raising and running of the Town Hall. We are a community based organisation and it doesn’t matter what colour, sex, disabled, age, etc you are. For more information call the Secretary on 01205 722230.
Parish Council News Kirton In Bloom Many thanks to our Sponsors: The Flower Shop Kirton, Boston Standard, Lincolnshire Co-operative Chemists, Exotic Farm Produce and Marshall Bros (Butterwick) Ltd. Lost & Found Hardwick Estate Proposed Play Area Consultation Best Kept Village Competition Next Parish Council Meeting Parish Office
Kirton Town Hall Free Home
Fire Safety Check Last Night Of The Proms With Kirton Brass Band
Boston Borough Council Green Waste Collection The fortnightly green waste collection dates are: September 13/27 and October 11/25. Any queries phone 01205 311112. 09:45 Willington Road, Kirton End For further information visit www.thelocalchannel.co.uk/kirton
Frampton PlaygroupWe are currently on our summer holidays so we would like to say a big thank you to Mr Paul Clark of Hill and Clark for donating a computer to us. The children have loved using it and will soon be able to teach the grown ups a thing or too! More good news! We have been awarded £439.00 from the Co-operative Community fund. This has been a big help to us in enhancing our book/quiet area. We are also still in need of a treasurer as we are a charity run group. If you are interested or know anyone who might be we would love to hear from you. We are a friendly bunch and help will be given. Playgroup caters for children from 2 – 5 years and sessions run Monday to Friday 9.30am – 12.00pm. If you would like any information about our playgroup or would like to be involved, please contact Sue our playgroup manager on 07939 266154
On a mobile phone by Gladys Seabrook Everybody needs one, that is what the experts say. Editor’s note: this is an interesting social commentary. What do people talk about on their mobiles? I personally believe you need one but the calling costs are horrendous, where I live the signal strength is very poor and I’m hard of hearing anyway!
The RegistersBaptisms - We welcome into God’s family:22nd June - Chloe Ann Ruck Weddings - We ask God’s blessing on: 14th June - Richard Edward Elsom & Kelly Louise Wheatley Funerals - We commend to God’s keeping: 3rd July - Jane Elizabeth Eustace |